3 Simple Tips to Planting Garlic

If you are like me, it’s tough to have too much garlic.  I love garlic; the aroma of it sautéing in a pan and the distinct flavor it adds to any dish.  Believe it or not, growing your own garlic may be easier than you think!  The time to plant garlic is now, and we have 3 simple tips to get your started.
  1. Garlic needs to be planted in well draining soil that has been recently amended: added compost and/or fertilizer. The ideal pH is 6.4-6.8. Here is an easy DIY way for you to check your soil pH at home


2. Plant each clove root side down and pointy side up about 2-3″ deep 6″ apart.  Cover with about 2″ of topsoil. That’s it!  See, it is easier that you thought isn’t it?
3. Once you have planted all your cloves, cover your garden bed with about 6-8″ of seedless straw to add protection during the cold Winter months and  help provide a weed barrier come Spring.
So grab your favorite garlic variety from your local garden center or grocery store and start planting the cloves.  It is an easy way to enjoy garden to table goodness and keep the vampires away. ????
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